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A Preliminary Study Evaluating the Functional Diffusion Map for Early Detection of TACE Treatment Response in Patients with Liver Carcinoma

Author:Hongyan Chen  Yufang Chen  He Wang  Yongbo Yang  Guang Cao  Xu Yan  

Session:Body DWI  

Diffusion Behavior in Rectal Cancer: Comparison of Mono-Exponential, Bi-Exponential and Continuously Distributed Exponential Models

Author:He Wang  Yingshi Sun  Yong Zhang  Guang Cao  

Session:Body Diffusion  

Predict Metastatic and Benign Lymph Nodes in Patients with Gastric Carcinoma by Using Diffusion-Weighted Imaging

Respiratory-Triggered High-B-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for the Assessment of Inflammatory Activity in Crohn’s Disease: A Preliminary Study

The Application of Multiple B-Value DWI with a Stretched-Exponential Model in Preoperative Grading of Cerebral Gliomas